A full evaluation enables us to gather all the information we need to help you achieve and sustain a healthy, comfortable mouth, a strong, stable bite and a confident, radiant smile.
We evaluate every aspect of your mouth including teeth, head and neck lymph nodes, the soft tissues of the mouth and the throat. We examine the jaws, teeth and bite and we can advise on aesthetics.
We start with a review of your medical and dental history and discuss with you what you want to achieve. We use the latest diagnostic tools including: digital images to evaluate the condition of teeth and gums; x-rays to look at the jaw and show decay, infection and bone condition
In summary the full examination includes the following:
- Soft tissue / oral cancer examination
- Tooth examination to check for decay, cracks, wear etc
- A plaque assessment and oral hygiene plan
- Gum health including the condition of gums and vulnerability to problems
- Muscle check inside and outside the mouth to check for signs of discomfort or tension
- A bite assessment to see if all teeth touch equally and how teeth meet when the jaw moves in all directions
The treatment plan we create will be unique to you having considered all the elements of current dental health down to the tiniest detail. The plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure it meets your needs and we are happy to answer any questions you may have at any time.