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The Full Examination and Evaluation

A full evaluation enables us to gather all the information we need to help you achieve and sustain a healthy, comfortable mouth, a strong, stable bite and a confident, radiant smile.

We evaluate every aspect of your mouth including teeth, head and neck lymph nodes, the soft tissues of the mouth and the throat. We examine the jaws, teeth and bite and we can advise on aesthetics.

We start with a review of your medical and dental history and discuss with you what you want to achieve. We use the latest diagnostic tools including: digital images to evaluate the condition of teeth and gums; x-rays to look at the jaw and show decay, infection and bone condition

In summary the full examination includes the following:

  • Soft tissue / oral cancer examination
  • Tooth examination to check for decay, cracks, wear etc
  • A plaque assessment and oral hygiene plan
  • Gum health including the condition of gums and vulnerability to problems
  • Muscle check inside and outside the mouth to check for signs of discomfort or tension
  • A bite assessment to see if all teeth touch equally and how teeth meet when the jaw moves in all directions
The treatment plan we create will be unique to you having considered all the elements of current dental health down to the tiniest detail. The plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure it meets your needs and we are happy to answer any questions you may have at any time.

Root Canal Treatment

Every vital tooth has a pulp and when these become infected it can be very painful and stops you from sleeping.

Root canal insections are very common so it is often necessary to irrigate, cleanse and disinfect the canal and provide a root filling to seal them from bacteria and infection which cause the pain.

The main reasons for a root canal therapy are:

  • Tooth decay close to the pulp can cause pain and increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • A nerve can die painlessly without you ever being aware but bacteria in the root can cause a painful abscess inside the tooth

The root canal procedure is carried out using local anaesthetic to numb tooth pain and requires two or three appointments.

After this, a crown will be required. We will discuss your individual needs and provide a fee estimate before any procedures are carried out.

Standard Gum Protection 

Strong, healthy gums are essential to oral health and a sign that someone’s overall health and wellbeing is good.

This two-visit programme is designed to stop and prevent gum disease problems including bleeding, receding gums and plaque build-up.

The programme will improve gum strength and establish a routine to continue at home:

Visit 1
  • A review of gum health with illustrations of your mouth.
  • Gum health is measured by the level of plaque on the teeth measuring pocket depth and any bleeding from the gums during our fast and pain free tests.
  • Home-Care Instruction including brushing techniques and appropriate toothbrush selection.
  • Scaling (cleaning) of teeth using ultrasonic water jets and/or hand instruments.
Visit 2
  • Gum tests to measure plaque and bleeding to see the progress of your Home-Care Instruction
  • Review of toothbrush technique in use of floss and general advice on home-care products
  • Scaling and polishing of teeth above gum-line

We follow-up the programme with a 3, 4 or 6 monthly, hygiene review to re-evaluate your gum condition and scale and polish teeth.

Advanced Gum Protection 

A more intensive treatment plan, over two to four visits, to cure and prevent problematic and damaged gums caused by a range of issues including bleeding, recession and plaque build-up.

Visit 1
  • Explanation of gum problems with illustrations and your mouth
  • Gum health and level of disease is measured by the level of plaque on the teeth and any bleeding from the gums during our fast and pain free tests and assessment of, gum recession
  • Scaling (cleaning) of teeth above gum-line
  • Home-Care Instruction including brushing techniques and appropriate toothbrush selection
Visit 2
  • Plaque score and bleeding score to monitor progress
  • Review of toothbrush technique and general advice on home-care products
  • Scaling of teeth below gum-line and application of medication if required.
Visit 3
  • Plaque score, Bleeding score
  • Review Home-Care Technique
  • Complete scaling and polishing below gum-line, re-apply medicament
Visit 4
  • Plaque score and Bleeding score
  • Review Home-Care Technique
  • Complete scaling and polishing below gum-line, re-apply medicament
  • Establish maintenance follow-up of 3,4, or 6 months to monitor progress

Contact information

01803 299 510 23 Parkhill Rd, Torquay, TQ1 2AL

Clinic Hours Monday 8:30 - 1:00, 2:00-5:30
Tuesday 8:30 - 1:00, 2:00-5:30
Wednesday 8:00 - 12:30, 1:30-3:00
Thursday 9:30 - 1:00, 2:00 - 6:00
Friday Closed